Global Football Pro is a Professional Football Experience tour company aimed at all aspiring players, boys and girls aged 8-21 and Football Fans of all ages. GFP is based at St. George's Park, (home of the England National Team) that uses it's extensive footballing network to provide the best experience for it's clients, offering a true insight to the English game and getting up close and personal with ex Premier League players. Visiting some of the biggest clubs in the world and also the opportunity to watch them play LIVE in the Premier League and Champions League.
Global Football Pro's experience, insight and knowledge of the professional game makes us the number 1 provider of these unique footballing experiences. Global Football Pros tours are designed and operated by former Premier League and Professional players.
Aspiring players will receive masterclasses from former Premier League players along with the opportunity to test their playing level by playing against Professional Club Academies with the chance of getting noticed and becoming a Professional player.